Starting during the school holidays and in line with approvals granted by BaNES Council, the work will involve the replacement of conifers - some have failing branches and limited life expectancy - with more appropriate areas of mixed native tree and shrub planting. The new planting will provide a varied habitat whereas conifers offer minimal habitat value.

The work will continue over the next 5-6 months. An ecologist will inspect the trees for any nesting birds, etc, prior to felling.

85 trees and 602 mixed native shrubs will be planted within new areas of woodland at the western and eastern ends of the site, and a further 44 trees will be planted along the northern and southern boundaries, including Field Maple, Beech, Crab Apple, Bird Cherry and Small-leaved Lime.

This will be complemented by nearly a kilometre of new hedging, including Dogwood, Hazel, Hawthorn, Spindle, Holly, Privet, Purging Buckthorn, Dog Rose, Wayfaring Tree and Guelder Rose.

Tree felling will start during the summer holidays followed by setting out and fencing. Planting will take place in line with the recognized planting season (November to March).