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CGR&IS research themes: Governance, regulatory and industrial strategies

In a world of great innovation and technological progress, it is essential to see both regulation and industrial strategy as a dynamic process too.


'Static' regulatory frameworks are becoming a concept of the past. Yet, while investors cannot predict the future regulatory regimes (as they don't know how markets themselves are going to change), it is critical for investors to have confidence in the quality of the decisions regulators will take in the future, and the currently chosen development trajectory.

Industrial Strategy refers to an over-arching coordinated policy framework through which governments and policymakers can enhance the performance of firms, sectors, industrial clusters and regions. Place-based industrial strategy can help to facilitate this transformation by tailoring policy at the regional level - especially around skills, technology and supporting business networks - to enable places to realise their potential.

With this in mind, research by the Centre for Governance, Regulation and Industrial Strategy (CGR&IS) explores a wide range of topics of interest and benefit to many areas of finance, industry and regions.

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