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Faculty Graduate School Committee terms of reference

The Faculty Graduate School Committee's terms of reference outline the role and responsibilities of this committee.



  • Associate Dean (Graduate Students) (Chair) ex officio
  • One Director of Studies for Postgraduate Taught Students and one Director of Studies for Postgraduate Research Students from each Department in the Faculty
  • Graduate School Manager or equivalent ex officio
  • Faculty Marketing Manager ex officio
  • Up to two research students from within the Faculty elected by and from the student members of the Faculty
  • Up to two taught graduate students from within the Faculty elected by and from the student members of the Faculty

In attendance:

The list of those who may routinely attend meetings of the Committee is subject to approval by the Chair.

Terms of Reference

The Graduate School Committee will be responsible to the Board of Studies for oversight of the Graduate School and will act as an advisory body to the Associate Dean (Graduate Students), through:

(1) Strategic oversight of all PGT and PGR provision at faculty level;

(2) Consideration of planning and policy development issues relating to the Graduate School;

(3) Enhancement of the experience and environment of graduate students in the Faculty;

(4) Advice on recruitment of graduate students to the Faculty, including aspects of marketing and branding;

(5) Advice on graduate scholarship strategy within the Faculty;

(6) Strategic oversight of the interface between PGT and PGR activity in the Faculty, including determining routes to facilitate student progression from taught to research provision and integrating Doctoral Training Centres (where applicable).



The Directors of Studies will be nominated by the Head of each Department. The term of office for the Directors of Studies and elected members of the Committee is three years. In the event that any of these members cease to be eligible to serve, a replacement to serve for the remainder of their term of office will be nominated/elected (renewable/eligible for re-election).


At the discretion of the Committee. Co-option shall be for one year at a time and for a maximum period of three successive years; thereafter, a member shall not be eligible for co-option for a period of one year.


If an ex-officio member of the Committee is unable to attend a meeting, they may nominate an alternate to attend that meeting. If a nominated member is unable to attend a meeting, an alternate may be nominated by the Head of Department to attend that meeting.


At least two each academic year.


One third of the membership of the Committee.

Rules for Voting:



Submitted to the Faculty Board of Studies and University Research Students Committee.

Document control


Version number:

Approval date: week ending 1 January 2011

Approved by: Senate

Date of last review: