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Faculty Research Students Committee terms of reference

An outline of the role and responsibilities of the Faculty Research Students Committee.


Terms of reference

The Faculty/School Research Students Committee will be responsible to the Board of Studies for overseeing all matters concerning postgraduate research students, including:

(1) Progression

Detailed consideration and monitoring of the progression of students registered on research degrees on behalf of the Board of Studies (with the exception of final approval of the recommendations of Boards of Examiners, which remains the responsibility of the Board of Studies, both for progression to/confirmation of PhD registration, and for final awards); this includes initial consideration of MPhil/PhD transfer/confirmation, approval of named candidature forms as well as monitoring of progress reports on at least an annual basis, in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations and QA statements; recommend appropriate action where this is required and promote dissemination of good practice in respect of all aspects of research student progression; approval of restriction of access to theses up to a maximum of three years;

(2) Annual monitoring and review, including statistical performance indicators

Review and monitoring of research degree provision (including completion, submission and attrition rates)

(3) Systematic analysis of feedback

From a range of internal and external stakeholders; for example from, but not limited to, Research Councils, HEFCE, external examiners, directors of studies and postgraduate research students; taking appropriate action in response to such feedback in order to improve provision;

(4) Induction

Reviewing the provision of induction activities in the Faculty/School on an annual basis;

(5) Generic skills training

Monitoring take-up and effectiveness of Generic Skills Training within the Faculty/School;

(6) Supervision

Monitoring and ensuring provision of consistently high quality supervision for all research students within the Faculty/School, ensuring that individual supervisors do not assume responsibility for supervising inappropriately large numbers of students;

(7) Recruitment and admissions

The overview at Faculty/School level of postgraduate research student recruitment and admissions;

(8) Taught components of research degrees

Monitoring quality and effectiveness of taught course components of research programmes within the Faculty/School by receiving reports from unit boards where appropriate and where necessary recommending changes.

(9) Collaborative provision

Sonsideration of proposed collaborative provision for recommendation to the Programmes and Partnerships Approval Committee.



The term of office for the elected members of the Committee is one year (renewable). In the event that an elected member ceases to be eligible to serve, a replacement to serve for the remainder of their term of office will be elected (eligible for re-election).


At the discretion of the Committee. Co-option shall be for one year at a time and for a maximum period of three successive years; thereafter, a member shall not be eligible for co-option for a period of one year.


If an ex-officio member of the Committee is unable to attend a meeting, they may nominate an alternate to attend that meeting.


One third of the membership of the Committee.

Rules for Voting



Submitted to the Faculty/School Board of Studies and University Research Students Committee.

Document control

Version number:
Approval date: 1 August 2012
Approved by: Senate
Date of last review: 15 October 2014