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Management information (MI)

A range of employment related management information and data to support decision making and meet University and statutory reporting requirements.


Regular reports

Reports and documents are supplied to be used freely within the University and are updated regularly. Most of this information is supplied from our iTrent Human Resources and Payroll system.

Monthly reports

We provide monthly staffing reports (at the end of each month) as statistical data showing headcount and full time equivalent (FTE). This also provides the breakdown by department, full time/part time and job family.

Quarterly reports

We also provide quarterly reports to the Vice Chancellor’s Group and to Finance. These show similar information to the monthly reports, plus an analysis of externally funded staff.

Annual reports

The HR Report is prepared each year to summarise staffing and HR activities during the year. This report also contains statistical information. It is available on restricted release.

Supplementary information

There are other documents and further sources of information available that provide additional management information for you to use.

Data protection and how we handle personal data

The Data Protection Act 1998 affects all departments and sections within the University. For further information, please refer to the University’s data protection statement. For more specific guidance, please refer to the HR Department’s data protection statement.

Sensitive personal data

The University is obliged to seek sensitive personal data from staff, but it is not compulsory for staff to provide responses. Only aggregate personal information is provided so that an individual's data will be protected. Staff outside of the HR Department are not allowed to access any sensitive personal data in iTrent, nor are they provided with such information through staff lists.

Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)

The University is required by HESA to provide an annual return on its staff. HESA gathers information from publicly funded higher education institutions at the request and on behalf of various government bodies, such as the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and the Higher Education Funding Council for England. For information about how this data is used, please read the HESA staff collection notice.


Further access to HESA data can be requested through the online reporting tool using the HEIDI database.

Guidance for entering HESA personal details

Personal details for the HESA Staff Return are held in iTrent, the University’s secure HR and payroll system.

Advice on specific data items required by HESA is also available as guidance notes, see Academic Teaching Qualification (ATQ).

If you have further questions about HESA and entering HESA data, please email

Requesting data

If your need is for more specific 'ad-hoc' information or requires sensitive personal information that cannot be met from our regular reports section, you can submit a Report Request Form.

We can provide special reports about staff and their employment if you have particular needs that are not met through our regular management information.

To do this we need:

  • a completed Report Request Form
  • five working days (normally supplied faster but may need longer for complicated reports)
  • agreement that the content required is needed, appropriate and confidential

The normal form of the output is Excel.


If you have any questions, please contact us.

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