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Self help resources during the Coronavirus pandemic

Below are some self-help resources for managing stress and anxiety including some directly targeted to the pandemic and some to help more generally.

Specific help with managing mental health during the pandemic

Recovery College- Online course: coping with the Pandemic.

This course has been developed for everyone in response to the recent global pandemic and is free to access. It will be continually updated with the latest information and advice.

There is information about how to avoid catching/spreading the virus, what immediate feelings you may have and common reactions, managing your mental health at this time, managing isolation and social distancing, self-care, supporting children and young people and some accessible information.

There is also a separate course for coping with the pandemic for children aged seven to twelve.

NHS Every Mind Matters

This is a really helpful website which provides guidance on:

  • maintaining wellbeing whilst staying at home
  • worries about coronavirus
  • general advice on mental health – anxiety – sleep – stress – low mood


The charity Mind has some online resources around supporting your wellbeing during coronavirus.

The CBT Resource

Help with managing stress at this time.

Psychology Tools

Guide from Psychology Tools for living with worry and anxiety.

Mental Health Foundation

Looking after your mental health during the outbreak.


FACE COVID is a set of practical steps for responding effectively to the Corona crisis, using the principles of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT).

FACE COVID video by Dr Russ Harris, author of The Happiness Trap.

FACE COVID information leaflet by Dr Russ Harris, author of The Happiness Trap.


There are a number of Apps which are not specific to the coronavirus but may help with anxiety and mood.

Currently available free, and has a range of features including thought challenging, psychoeducational material, activity planner, mindfulness/meditation exercises and a daily gratitude journal.

Activity scheduling and mood tracker.

Completely free, CBT-based anxiety resources with sections on different types of anxiety (e.g. panic, worry, social anxiety, perfectionism) and a range of strategies/advice for managing these.

Another anxiety resource, including in-the-moment advice and exercises for during panic attacks.

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