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Embedding a positive culture of public engagement with research at the University of Bath.



Project status



1 May 2012 to 31 Mar 2015

The host of an event presenting in front of the audience
The celebration event at the end of Engaged360@Bath project.

Engaged360@Bath (2012-2015) aimed to build institutional capacity at the University of Bath for public engagement with research by embedding a positive culture of public engagement across the whole research lifecycle. The project was funded by Research Councils UK (now UKRI) as part of the Public Engagement with Research Catalysts funding call and builds on the success of Beacons for Public Engagement (2008-2012).

Our approach

At the heart of Engaged360@Bath was the Public Engagement Unit, which was established as part of the project. Over the course of the project the team:

  • Established a Public Engagement Unit

  • Developed a Public Engagement Network of researchers and professional services staff with over 340 registered members

  • Established the Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Public Engagement

  • Invested over £30,000 in engaged research projects, through the Seed Fund scheme, supporting a range of innovative off campus activities

  • Embedded public engagement with research in probation and promotion criteria and academic role descriptions, as a means to demonstrate excellence in research

  • Designed and delivered professional development opportunities for researchers, reaching over 550 people

  • Supported over 100 researchers in the completion of engagement and impact sections of grant proposals

  • Provided and supported a series of opportunities for researchers to engage with the local community, including the Pint of Science Festival, the Festival of Nature, Bath Taps into Science, Bath Inspires, Fringe Arts Bath Festival and grew the Images of Research competition to an annual event with a reach of over 4,000 people

  • Arranged nine public engagement conversations, providing an opportunity for over 200 researchers and professional services staff to learn more about specific engagement-related issues.

Find out more about some of the highlights and key achievements of the Engaged360@Bath project in our Engaged360@Bath: supporting researchers to engage publication.

Engaged360@Bath end of project celebration

At the end of Engaged360@Bath the Public Engagement Unit brought together colleagues from across the University and community partners to celebrate the achievements of the project.

Public Engagement Unit 2015 end of project celebration

Impacts on our work

Through modelling engaged behaviours and approaches, the Public Engagement Unit worked closely with researchers from across the University to embed a positive culture of public engagement with research. To facilitate this work we developed three guiding processes and practices which continues to inform our culture change work:

  • Professional Development for public engagement: creating learning opportunities for researchers to learn about public engagement with research

  • Public Engagement in Practice: creating opportunities for researchers to develop and deliver public engagement with research activities

  • Reward and Recognition: celebrating and recognising the work of researchers engaging public groups with their research

Learning and Leading Together

At the end of the three-year project there was a cross-university understanding of the role, importance and value of public engagement. The quality, breadth and variety of public engagement also increased during the Engaged360@Bath project.

Find out more about the work, achievements and key learning of Engaged360@Bath project in our Learning and Leading Together: experiences from Engaged360@Bath report

Funding body

Engaged360@Bath was funded by Research Councils UK (now UKRI).


If you are interested in finding out more about Engaged360@Bath, drop us a line.