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University of Bath

Forms for Covid-19 allowances for academic probation

Use the forms in conjunction with the options available to allow Academic Staff Committee to make allowances when assessing your probation progress.

Before you fill out any of the forms below, please read our detailed guidance on the options available to you to allow Academic Staff Committee to make allowances when assessing your progress against your probationary objectives during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Option 2 (mitigating circumstances) can be used to report on the impact you experienced during the pandemic to include with your supporting paperwork when reporting on progress at your next review.

Please note that for option 3 (revising original objectives) the form you should use depends on your contract type (Teaching only and Research & Teaching Lecturer roles) and you should ensure you are filling out the correct one.

The form to revise original objectives (option 3) should also be provided when opting for option 4 (requesting a review deferral).

Once completed by all Probationary Lecturers and Heads of Department/Division/nominated Reviewer, forms should be sent to