Water Innnovation & Research Centre management board
We are responsible for the strategic planning, operation, development and progress monitoring of the Water Innovation and Research Centre (WIRC@Bath).
- develop a strategy in consultation with the Strategic Advisory Board
- prepare the Centre’s annual plan with clear goals on delivering research output and implementation
- monitor key performance indicators
- attribute research income, publications and other forms of output
- co-ordinate initiatives for new project proposals and attract research funding
- monitor and evaluate performance of research projects
- report progress annually
Board members
- Dr Tom Arnot, Centre Co-Director, Department of Chemical Engineering
- Professor Julie Barnett, Centre Co-Director, Department of Psychology
- Dan Green, Head of Sustainability and Innovation, Wessex Water
- Professor Jan Hofman, Centre Co-Director, Department of Chemical Engineering
- Professor Barbara Kasprzyk-Hordern, Centre Co-Director, Department of Chemistry
- Dr Roy Maconachie, Department of Social & Policy Sciences
- Professor Tim Mays, Department of Chemical Engineering
- Professor Marcelle McManus, Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Sonia Skaczkowska, Research and Innovation Services
- Dr Jun Zang, Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering