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School for Health, Unit Catalogue 2007/08

FH30054 Exercise physiology

Credits: 6
Level: Honours
Semester: 1
Assessment: CW30EX70
Before taking this unit you must take FH20041 and take FH20044 and take FH20050

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To examine the physiological systems involved in various forms of exercise and to consider the approaches that have been used to overcome or minimise potential limitations to performance. At the completion of this unit students should be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of (i) the physiological strain induced by performance of exercise in different ambient temperatures and atmospheric pressures, and (ii) the associated adaptation to exercising in these environments. Demonstrate an understanding of (i) the metabolic changes induced by specific forms of exercise, often in specific circumstances / environments and (ii) other factors that potentially limit performance of various forms of exercise. Demonstrate an understanding of the role of potentially important macro- and micronutrients in enhancing performance and facilitating recovery from various forms of exercise.
Exercise at altitude: acute physiological effects of altitude and effect on performance, adaptation to altitude and effect on performance at altitude and on return to sea level. Thermoregulation: temperature regulation in hot, cold and humid environments and associated acclimatisation. Metabolism: substrate metabolism during prolonged exercise and the role of macronutrient supplementation (carbohydrate and fat). Protein requirements: protein requirements during various forms of exercise and the effect of protein supplementation. Ergogenic acids: an overview including examples of specific ergogenic acides. Exercise and immunity: exercise-induced disturbance to immunity and the role of nutritional intervention. Exercise and oxidative stress: the effect of exercise-induced oxidative stress and the role of nutritional intervention.