- Student Records
Programme & Unit Catalogues


Department of Education, Unit Catalogue 2008/09

ED10190 Ethics & good practice

Credits: 6
Level: Certificate
Semester: 1
Assessment: CW 50%, EX 50%
Aims: To develop an understanding of ethical and safety issues in Coach Education and Sports Development.
Learning Outcomes:

* Develop an understanding of emerging issues and pressures experienced by professional coaches, their athletes and support staff.
* Appreciate the risk factors associated with sports performance and coaching.
* Understand the moral and ethical issues that the coach and athlete are faced with and the impact it has on society.

* Concise, time-bound and effective written communication (e.g. briefings / exams) T/F/A
* Effective oral communication (e.g. seminar presentations) F
* Ability to develop rigorous arguments through precise use of concepts and models. T/F
* Ability to apply theory into practice. F
* Ability to work effectively as part of a group or team. F
(i) The role of the coach in child welfare with reference to codes of conduct.
(ii) Developing reasoned responses to other ethical phenomena in sport e.g. drugs, gender, religion, ethnicity etc and how they impact on sports performance and coaching
(iii) Safe working practice, health and responsibility.