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Programme & Unit Catalogues

Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering, Unit Catalogue 2007/08

AR40095 Wind & earthquake engineering

Credits: 3
Level: Masters
Semester: 2
Assessment: EX 100%
Before taking this unit you must take AR20002 and take AR30024 and take AR30007
Aims: To enable understanding of the use of power spectra analysis in the design of structures (e.g. how to you plan wind tunnel tests to give the information necessary to predict the rms acceleration of a building caused by the peak ten minutes of a storm within a return period of five years?). To enable understanding of earthquake engineering design issues.
Learning Outcomes:
The successful student should be able to demonstrate understanding of the subjects described under 'Content', and the ability to use that understanding in design.
Evident from content and learning outcomes.
The nature of wind, flow around angular, curved and streamlined bodies. Vorticity and turbulence. The effect of terrain. Introduction to the statistics of extremes, return periods, gusts, etc.. Introduction to codes and standards. Wind tunnel testing. Comfort criteria limiting sway of tall buildings. Introduction to aero-elasticity, flutter, galloping and divergence. Aero elastic wind tunnel tests. The causes of earthquakes, prediction of ground movements. Effects of earthquakes on buildings and other structures. Introduction to codes and standards. Rules for the design of earthquake resistant buildings and structures. Description of wind and earthquake loads using power spectra. 'Reconstitution' of load from power spectrum. Fourier transform, auto-correlation and cross-correlation. Use of modal analysis to predict the root mean square building acceleration from power spectrum of load. The use of tuned mass dampers to reduce the motion of tall buildings. Flow visualisation laboratory for flow past a circular cylinder and a square to investigate flow separation and turbulence.