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Programme & Unit Catalogues

Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering, Unit Catalogue 2007/08

AR40209 History & theory of architecture

Credits: 6
Level: Masters
Semester: 1
Assessment: CW 100%
Before taking this unit you must take AR40099 and take AR40105
Aims: This Unit cover topics in architectural history and theory from the Roman architect Vitruvius to the present with reference to scholarly debate and publications.
Learning Outcomes:
Students who have completed this unit should be able to demonstrate a reasoned understanding of how key developments in architectural history related to specific ideas and writings and the wider cultural context.
Research, historical interpretation; presentation in written English.
Issues of urban design, proportion, the use of the Orders and of human settlement are covered in a series of lectures given by experts on the staff and by visiting scholars. Particular attention is given to the urban development of Bath under the Woods, to the invention of architectural theory by Vitruvius, to the principles of Roman building, to the Renaissance treatises of Alberti and Serlio, to the work of Inigo Jones and Nicholas Hawksmoor, to Victorian public school architecture and how Catherine Bauer formed a new attitude to domestic housing.