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Programme & Unit Catalogues

Department of Chemical Engineering, Unit Catalogue 2007/08

CE50006 Life cycle assessment

Credits: 6
Level: Masters
Modular: no specific semester
Assessment: CW 50%, EX 50%
Distance learning Unit (IEM). Aims: The aim is to provide the student with an understanding of LCA as an environmental management tool and a detailed knowledge of how to apply it in practice.
Learning Outcomes:
After successfully completing this unit, students should be able to demonstrate a detailed understanding of the four main phases in conducting an LCA: goal definition and scoping, inventory analysis, impact assessment and improvement analysis) as well as describing the present and potential future applications of LCA and its the shortcomings/limitations.
This distance learning unit develops skills in self study, data analysis and use of spreadsheets.
Goal definition and scoping; inventory analysis - data requirements and quality issues, data processing and validation, inventory calculation methodology, presenting the life cycle inventory results; interpretation of the inventory (i.e. impact assessment methods); improvement analysis (including variations in recycling loops); the applications and limitations of LCA; and the origins of LCA and international standards.