- Student Records
Programme & Unit Catalogues

Department of Chemistry, Unit Catalogue 2007/08

CH30132 Chemistry research project (Natural Sciences)

Credits: 12
Level: Honours
Academic Year
Assessment: EX35OT65
Before taking this unit you must take CH20078 and take CH10005 and (take CH20017 or take CH20079) and (take CH10005 or take CH10094)
Aims: To allow students on the Natural Sciences programme to experience a practical or theoretical/computational research project typical of research in an academic environment. To further develop and reinforce the skills necessary for research work. To enhance the students chemistry knowledge and develop independent work and data analysis.
Learning Outcomes:
After studying the Unit, students should be able to:
* Demonstrate advanced experimental techniques appropriate to the chosen project.
* Record experimental observations and data in an efficient manner.
* Present results in a variety of formats and place them into context of other researchers' work.
* Demonstrate the ability to plan and conduct an experimental programme.
Problem solving (T, F, A), data collection and analysis, scientific writing (F, A), independent working (F).
A research topic will be selected in conjunction with a supervising member of staff and a program of experimental work planned. In addition to the experimental aspects, appropriate library work will be conducted. Aspects of project planning, safety, report writing skills and oral presentations will be introducted as appropriate.