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Programme & Unit Catalogues

Department of Economics & International Development, Unit Catalogue 2007/08

EC10168 Economic policy in the UK

Credits: 6
Level: Certificate
Semester: 2
Assessment: EX 100%
Before taking this unit you must take EC10006 and while taking this unit you must take EC10007
Aims: To provide students with a knowledge and understanding of economic policy-making in the UK. Specifically, to develop a knowledge base with respect to the goals, instruments and institutions in key areas of UK economic policy. To present an analysis of how policymakers address major problems of the British economy, including an analysis of the achievements of economic policy initiatives with respect to solving these problems.
Learning Outcomes:
Students should be able to
* identify central objectives of UK economic policy;
* characterise main institutions participating in and key instruments used in UK economic policies;
* describe and appraise key economic policy initiatives.
Analysis of statistical information; analytical thinking; critical reading; discussing ideas; relating basic theoretical principles and concepts to contemporary debates and policy issues; communication and presentation skills.
Topics covered include: the structure of the UK economy; performance and problems of the UK economy; the UK economy and UK economic policy-making in an international context; fiscal policy; monetary policy; employment policy; industrial policy; competition and regulatory policy; international economic policies. Texts: A. Griffiths and S. Wall (eds 2004) Applied Economics (10th edition); M. Sawyer (ed 2004) The UK Economy (16th edition).