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Programme & Unit Catalogues

Department of Economics & International Development, Unit Catalogue 2007/08

EC20080 International politics of development

Credits: 6
Level: Intermediate
Semester: 2
Assessment: CW 100%
Before taking this unit you must take EC10078 or take EU10616
Aims: To introduce students to the international dimension of development and familiarise them with key issues in the international politics of development.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the unit students should
* have a clear understanding of how the concept of development has to be understood in the context of politics at international level
* develop analyses of connections between practices of development and that of politics at international level
* be familiar with the debates over First World, Third World and development
* have a critical understanding of key issues such as aid, conditionalities, international organisations, human security, war, and inequality.

* Critical thinking
* Proactive 'reading' of the written and visual texts
* Relating academic learning to everyday life
* Managing time effectively to optimise knowledge and understanding of a syllabus
* Writing clearly and concisely and presenting an argument logically and succinctly
The topics will include: conceptualising the 'international' of development; development in the context of international politics; the idea of first world, third world and Developmentalism; postcolonial states and developmentalism; aid and conditionalities; security and development; women, war and development; the role of international organisations; inequality, poverty and hunger as international development as well as international political issues.
Key Texts:
* Escobar, A. (1995) Encountering development. Princeton. Princeton University Press.
* Hoogvelt, A. (2001). Globalization and the postcolonial world. London. Palgrave.
* Duffield, M. (2002) Global Governance and the New War. London. Zed.