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Programme & Unit Catalogues

School for Health, Unit Catalogue 2007/08

FH50077 Research project design

Credits: 6
Level: Masters
Modular: no specific semester
Assessment: DS 100%
Aims: The aim of this unit is to acquire the skills needed to plan an independent research project.
Learning Outcomes:
Knowledge and Understanding
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
* Focus research ideas into a feasible research question.
* Identify the appropriate reading material, critically evaluate and review literature relevant to a research question.
* Critically discuss research methodologies, and determine appropriate design for chosen research project.
* Determine appropriate research design(s) and methods for use in chosen research project and critically discuss your choice.
* Critically discuss the issues associated with gaining ethical approval for chosen research project.
* Prepare a research ethics proposal for submission to an appropriate body
* Recognise the necessary elements, and submit a research protocol.
These learning outcomes will be taught, facilitated and assessed.
On completion of this unit students should be able to:
* Differentiate the value of information from different types of study designs and different sources (Taught)
* Critically assess research carried out by others, evaluate its usefulness for your own project and use it as a starting point for your research (Taught)
* Evaluate a research topic and produce a sustainable research design, effective research proposal, research propositions and research plan (Taught)
Professional & Practical
* Identify the appropriate use of quantitative and qualitative methods (Facilitated, Assessed)
* Perform appropriate data presentation (Facilitated, Assessed)
* Search, store, retrieve and integrate citations within your own reports (Taught)
* Identify research opportunities and the potential problems in undertaking research in a particular area, or in using a particular method or approach. (Facilitated)
* Write an effective critical and evaluative (i.e. not simply a descriptive) review of the research literature on a particular topic. (Facilitated, Assesssed)
Transferable & Key Skills
* Find and summarise relevant information using IT and develop an evidence based approach to research (Taught, Assessed)
* Organise your own activities to achieve a desired outcome within a limited amount of time (Facilitated)
* Direct your own learning (Facilitated)
* Exercise initiative and personal responsibility (Facilitated)
* Communicate research ideas effectively in oral or written form (Facilitated, Assessed)
* Demonstrate confidence as informed consumers of published research, able to critically evaluate the relative quality and merits of reported research findings. (Facilitated)
* Ability to undertake independent research and to complete a thesis. (Facilitated)
* Be aware of ethical issues that arise in the conception, design and implementation of research. (Facilitated)
* Devise data collection instruments and procedures for analyzing data for a particular project. (Taught)
The unit ensures that the student has the necessary tools and knowledge of their appropriate use to progress with their research project. This will include the following topics:
* Introduction to the research process
* Identifying a Topic and Defining Your Research Question
* Carrying Out a Literature Review
* Choosing The Methodology and Methods
* Getting Ethical Approval
Students will undertake an original piece of work which will comprise a proposal for a viable research project, that has undergone ethical consideration and for which appropriate supervision has been found.