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Programme & Unit Catalogues

School for Health, Unit Catalogue 2007/08

FH50090 Long research apprenticeship project

Credits: 18
Level: Masters
Modular: no specific semester
Assessment: CW100
While taking this unit you must take FH50079 and take FH50089
Aims: To identify, refine and focus a research question, research approach and methodology for a substantial research project and to develop an outline protocol and project plan.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the unit the student will be able to:
1. Develop and justify by peer review a research question in an area suitable for conducting discrete research, (Intellectual skill, knowledge and understanding)
2. Prepare a research protocol or project plan which describes the key milestones in the completion of a research project (Intellectual skill, knowledge and understanding, professional practical skill)
3. Prepare, a research ethics proposal to a suitable and appropriate body (for example LREC, MREC or the School/University Research Ethics Committee), al (intellectual skill, professional practical skill, transferable skill)
4. Complete at least one cycle of a personal development plan and to identify goals in research and continuing professional development (professional practical skill, transferable skill)
5. Reflect on own development as a researcher within the timeframe of the PDP cycle (professional practical skill, transferable skill) .
See above.
Any area of health or related research for which an adequate level of supervision can be offered. The nature of the Long Research Apprenticeship Project is that participants continue 'learn-by-doing', and so will be expected to demonstrate their ability to define a significant research question, design and conduct primary research. Although the research project will be on a small scale, participants will be expected to demonstrate their ability to define a research question, design and conduct primary research and produce a substantial research report that conforms to acceptable standards of presentation. In addition, participants will be required to include a reflective commentary, which describes their development as a researcher.