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Programme & Unit Catalogues

School of Management, Unit Catalogue 2007/08

MN20022 Portfolio project

Credits: 6
Level: Intermediate
Semester: 1
Semester: 2
Assessment: CW 100%
While taking this unit you must take MN20021 or before taking this unit you must take MN10003
Aims: The overall aim of the Portfolio Project is to create the opportunity for students to research a management of business issue which is of interest to them. In particular it provides an extended opportunity to learn about the practice of management research and provide a foundation for later research-based project work.
Learning Outcomes:
Conduct research on a business issue and present findings in oral presentation and written report.
* Appreciation of the complexities of management research. (FA)
* Understanding of the relevance and limits of research studies in advancing the practice of management. (FA)
* Data Collection (FA).
* Analysis and Presentation of results (FA).
Key Skills:
* Management of time (FA).
* Management of information (esp. on-line) (FA)
* Written and Oral Presentation (A).
Briefing on the Portfolio Project aims; group formation; identification of suitable project; secondary research of project issue; analysing and writing up findings and reporting back to peer group and group co-ordinator; presentation skills. Project topic is defined by students. Guidelines on the report and presentation are available at the beginning of the semester.