- Student Records
Programme & Unit Catalogues

School of Management, Unit Catalogue 2007/08

MN30094 Economics of incentives

Credits: 6
Level: Honours
Semester: 2
Assessment: EX70ES30
Before taking this unit you must take MN20012 or (take EC20010 and take EC20045)
(Others with EC10044, MN10006 and placement experience should undertake preparatory reading). Aims: This course uses economics to investigate the incentives generated by a range of contractual relationships. Students will link economic ideas to their own experiences in the workplace, and they will develop their written and oral communication skills.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this unit, the student should be able to:
* Understand the concepts of incentive compatibility and individual rationality.
* Apply the models developed in the module to novel environments.
* Understand and articulate the key themes developed in the module.
Economic analysis (T, A) Critical thinking (T,A) Written communication (T,A) Oral presentation (F)
Incentives are an integral part of many areas in economics, and so the topics examined in the course come from a range of economic disciplines. The course examines the application of principal-agent models to labour markets, capital markets, insurance markets, and corporate governance issues. Some of the topics addressed in the course will be: The use of pay systems to influence the behaviour of managerial and non-managerial employees; transaction costs as the reason for the existence of contracts; the importance of institutional structures as a response to transaction costs; and moral hazard and adverse selection.