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Learning Partnerships, Unit Catalogue 2008/09

AS10100 Introduction to programming

Credits: 5
Level: Certificate
Semester: 2 at Cirencester College
Semester: 2 at City of Bath College
Semester: 2 at Weston College
Semester: 2 at Wiltshire College
Assessment: CW 100%
Aims: To give learners the opportunity:
* To gain an understanding of the fundamental principles and concepts of computer programming
* To gain an understanding of the importance of planning and designing programs before coding them
* To gain analytical skills that are transferable language independent.
Learning Outcomes:
At the completion of the unit learners should be able to:
* Design and develop code using structured programming methods and recognised design methodologies
* Subdivide a large program into smaller modules
* Produce appropriate user and program documentation
* Devise suitable test data, suitable test schedules and record the results in test logs.
Practical skills - program design skills, coding skills - taught and assessed
Personal skills - time management, personal organisation, problem solving - facilitated and assessed
Communication skills - demonstrations, working in a team - facilitated and assessed.

Data storage
* Files, variables, constants, literals, pre-defined and user defined data types, program elements
Software constructs
* Sequence, selection, iteration
Comparison of procedural and object-oriented languages
* Similarities and differences between C, C++, Visual Basic, Pascal, Cobol, Java
Program design tools
* Algorithms, structure diagrams, pseudocode, decision trees, decision tables
Program Structure
* Divide and conquer, use and re-use of modules, pre-defined and user defined functions. Use and scope of variables (global vs. local), parameter passing
Program documentation
* Program specification, purpose and operation of program, commented code, user guide, technical documentation, data dictionary
Program testing
* Semantic, syntax, runtime errors. Test plans, test data, test log. Testing methodologies - white box, black box, exhaustive. Dry running, structured walkthrough. Use of debugging tools.
Design of front ends
* Consideration of different user groups in organisations, design and implementation of different front ends.