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Learning Partnerships, Unit Catalogue 2008/09

AS10171 Counselling skills in an addictions context

Credits: 12
Level: Certificate
Semester: 1 at Action on Addiction
Assessment: CW 50%, ES 50%
Aims: The double unit aims to:
* Assist students in the development of counselling skills which they will use safely and ethically.
* Develop skills in managing the counsellor/client interaction.
* Develop the ability to communicate an empathetic understanding to the client.
* Help students learn experientially as well as intellectually the skills required to manage an active listening space.
* Explore Egan's 3-stage helping model.
* Encourage students to use self-awareness to facilitate their counselling relationship with clients.
* Introduce students to the principles of ethical practice.
Learning Outcomes:
Having completed this unit, students will be able to:
* Work ethically and safely in the counselling situation.
* Use understanding and skills to manage the counselling situations.
* Communicate empathetic understanding to clients.
* Manage an active and structured listening space.
* Develop self-awareness and apply to the counselling interaction.
* Use counselling skills and techniques appropriately and coherently in an addictions treatment setting.
* Understand ethical issues and dilemmas commonly encountered in addictions treatment settings.
* Make use of counselling supervision to address the needs of the client and ensure ethical practice.
* Creating a safe space through the establishment of ethical and professional boundaries.
* Self-reflection and assessment of counselling performance.
* Note taking and case study presentation.
* Developing patterns of accurate interpersonal communication.
* Ascertaining information from clients.
* Communication with supervisor and colleagues.
This double unit is concerned with:
* The initial contract for group and counselling interactions.
* developing active listening skills.
* The importance of rapport and how to achieve it.
* Introduction and Application of Egan's 3-stage Helping Model.
* Structuring the counselling session using Stage I skills.
* Developing preferred Scenarios - skills and techniques
* Stages in counselling - beginnings, middles & endings
* Recording of role-play counselling situations & peer evaluation.