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Programme & Unit Catalogues


Learning Partnerships, Unit Catalogue 2008/09

AS20026 Working with difference & diversity

Credits: 6
Level: Intermediate
Semester: 1 at Action on Addiction
Semester: 2 at Action on Addiction
Assessment: PF 100%
Aims: This Unit aims to raise awareness and provide practical experience of diversity issues as they arise in the case management of clients from different backgrounds and to enable students to combine sensitivity with clinical effectiveness.
Learning Outcomes:
Having completed this Unit the student will be able to:
* Demonstrate awareness of a range of differences that may affect a client's experience of and benefit from counselling or treatment.
* Describe examples of how such issues arise in the case management of clients and demonstrate how principles of non-discriminatory practice can be applied.
* Evaluate resources available in the current agency setting that facilitate the counselling and treatment of clients from different backgrounds or with different needs, and make recommendations for improving these resources.
* Identify how practical limits and dilemmas regarding diversity issues arise in the treatment situation.
* Review models, resources and strategies which work towards resolving dilemmas and extending accessibility.
* Integrating classroom learning into the clinical setting
* Using supervision and support to identify development needs
* Analysing own performance and responding to feedback
* Developing a cultural sensitivity
* Developing strategies to facilitate cultural minority clients to enter into the treatment process.
* Working independently and as part of a team.
This Unit is concerned with:
* Monitoring issues of difference
* Culturally sensitive and non-discriminatory practice
* Recognising limits, dilemmas and opportunities.