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Programme & Unit Catalogues


Learning Partnerships, Unit Catalogue 2008/09

AS30223 Coaching cultures and philosophies

Credits: 6
Level: Honours
Semester: 2 at City of Bath College
Assessment: CW 100%
Aims: This unit allows students to understand, appreciate and critically evaluate the diversity in coaching cultures and coaching philosophies, comparing different countries from grass roots through to professional sport.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit students will be able to:
* Appraise and evaluate the coaching cultures of different countries;
* Understand what a coaching philosophy is;
* Develop their own coaching philosophy through practical and theoretical means;
* Critically analyse cultures & philosophies from grass roots to professionalism.
Intellectual: (T, F and A) Knowledge of cultures and philosophies from various countries and at different levels. Compare, contrast and systematically analyse coaching cultures and personal coaching philosophies.
Professional: (F) Independent research, presentation skills, report writing
Practical: (T, F and A) Analyse, observe, research and reflect on coaching theory and practice
Key: (F and A) Planning, communication, problem solving & decision making skills
(T: Taught, F: Facilitated, A: Assessed)

* Compare & analyse the coaching cultures & philosophies of leading coaching / performance nations, analysing grass roots through to professional sport
* Understand the influences behind these cultures and the influence on coaching (e.g. home-grown or imported talent?)
* What is a coaching philosophy?
* Development of functional & flexible coaching philosophies (incorporating changes due to experience, levels and different sports).