- Student Records
Programme & Unit Catalogues


Department of Education, Unit Catalogue 2008/09

ED20384 Strength and conditioning

Credits: 10
Level: Intermediate
Semester: 1
Semester: 2
Assessment: CW 50%, OT 50%
Before taking this unit you must take ED10373
Aims: By the end of this unit students will be able to understand the scientific principles, concepts and theories underpinning strength training and conditioning.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit students will:
* Develop knowledge within the strength and conditioning industry and practically apply to performance
* Apply scientific principles to improve muscular strength and endurance with clients
* Demonstrate a critical understanding across a range of clients from sedentary to elite athletes, through to special populations
* Recognise different forms of athletic training, including the use of free weights, machine weights and plyometrics.

* Communication
* Application of Number
* Information technology
* Basic management Skills.

* Components of Physical fitness (Speed, agility, strength, power, muscular endurance) and how to improve these through training.
* Musculoskeletal system, cardio-vascular, energy systems responses to training.
* Dimensions of physical fitness (motor and physical) and their application to sport.
* Principles of training programmes, principles of training sessions, warm-ups and cool downs, periodisation through long term planning and training cycles
* Monitoring training responses to exercise.