- Student Records
Programme & Unit Catalogues


Department of European Studies & Modern Languages, Unit Catalogue 2008/09

EU50704 Documentary film

Credits: 6
Level: Masters
Semester: 1
Assessment: CW 33%, ES 67%
Aims: To provide a framework within which students will acquire and demonstrate:
* a coherent and systematic knowledge of the history and development of documentary cinema, with particular reference to the European context
* a thorough conceptual understanding of documentary film
* familiarity with current research in the study of documentary film, and the ability to make a critical evaluation of this research
* understanding of issues informing the relationship between documentary and fiction film, and the interpenetration of both genres.
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this programme, students will be able:
* to explain the specificities of contemporary European documentary film within the context of wider debate on cultural theory
* to demonstrate understanding of current research in documentary film studies and to be able to make informed critical judgments based on available data
* to show self-motivation and originality in tackling and solving intellectual problems posed by the contextual and textual analysis of documentary film
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated will include:
Lectures; student and tutor led seminars; guided viewing; problem-based learning scenarios.
Coursework: seminar presentations; essay.
On completion of this programme, students will be able:
* to demonstrate the ability to use sophisticated analytical and critical skills to construct an original and independent interpretation of documentary film sources and critical material
* to communicate findings and conclusions clearly.
* to continue to develop personal knowledge and understanding of European documentary cinema, and to remain abreast of contemporary debate.

* The origins and development of documentary film
* "real life" and fictionalised narrative: Lumière vs Meliès
* Kino-Pravda newsreels: Dziga Vertov
* Ethnographic Documentary: Flaherty
* Poetic realism: Grierson, Jennings
* Documentary as propaganda: Riefenstahl
* Cinéma vérité: Rouch, Franju
* Memory and testimony: Lanzmann, Resnais, Ophuls, Bober
* Docu-drama: Loach, Pontecorvo
* Self-reflexive camera: Malle, Varda.