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Peer review of teaching

Peer review of teaching aims to enhance the student learning experience and enable teaching staff to teach and facilitate learning even more effectively.

Peer review guidance

Peer review is a supportive process that promotes a reflective conversation about teaching that can link to an individual’s personal and professional development. The University has guidance documents for peer review for participants and Heads of Department.

Peer review differs from teaching observations which are more narrowly focused on 'observable teaching events'. Instead, it aims to give feedback that:

  • moves beyond teaching style and delivery

  • is more specific and meaningful

  • offers greater challenge or provides new insights

  • is less linked to evaluative observations of probationary staff

Find out about teaching observations of probationary staff.

What peer review involves

A teacher identifies an area of teaching activity that they wish to focus on and develop in some way as part of the peer review process. They work with colleagues to identify ways in which their practices can be enhanced, developments made or initiatives taken.

The teacher shares parts of their practice with their peer review partner. This may be through:

  • direct observation of activities

  • provision of documentation

  • student work and other evidence

  • open discussion

They then take part in a reflective dialogue where the partner will seek to facilitate a productive conversation:

  • exploring ways forward

  • acknowledging limitations

  • making action plans

Although focussed on the needs and interests of one partner, it is hoped that all participants in the process will find points of reflection, learning and benefit in these conversations.

Peer review scenarios

To give you further insight into how peer review could develop your learning and teaching practice, a number of scenarios are available on the Learning & Teaching Hub.


The University of Bath would like to acknowledge Dr Kate Exley as the author of this resource. Please ensure that any reference to these materials is appropriately attributed.


If you have any questions, please contact us.

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