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Requesting a mobile phone for work

Staff who make business calls can request a mobile phone for work use. Find out what phones are available from EE and how to request one.

Choosing and requesting your phone

All staff phones are on EE contracts. You can view EE data bundle options available to you or contact the IT Purchasing Team for advice. You should then:

  1. Submit a request to your line manager who can authorise the purchase
  2. Read the University's guidelines for acquiring and using a mobile phone for business use
  3. Fill in the mobile request form with your phone and data requirements and project codes for payment
  4. We will then order your phone on your behalf
  5. Once the goods have arrived, Asset tagging and mobile management will be carried out by the registered users IT support team. The IT support team will contact the registered user once the goods are ready for collection

As stated in the expenses guidelines, staff must not purchase equipment themselves and reclaim it on expenses. The University will not reimburse personal mobile phone purchases.

Upgrading your phone

You should follow steps 1 , 2 and 3. Should you wish to discuss upgrades, contact the IT Purchasing Team. Please note that upgrades are chargeable.

If you are travelling abroad with your mobile phone, with EU Data Roaming for business customers, you can now use your UK 30 day data allowance while in the EU. Where possible use Wi-Fi and monitor your data. For travel outside of the EU please follow steps 1, 2 and 3.


If you have any questions, please contact us.

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