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Green Week

Edge Art Studio. 5:00 - 6:00pm. Tune in online to the Operation Wallacea talk; dive into environmental research and learn how you participate in the conservation journey.

Take part in the arts at university

You can book up to one hour a day in a music practice room and an additional hour in the Dance or Art studio with an Edge Studios membership. ... The Edge has state-of-the-art facilities, including:. soundproof music practice rooms. a purpose-built dance

Winter at the University of Bath

Monday 18 December. Bauble decorating workshop. 1pm, The Arts Studio, The Edge. ... Thursday 21 December. Origami Fairy Lights. 12pm Art Studio, The Edge.

Global climate change week 2019

Find us in The Art Studio, The Edge at 3.00pm - 4.30pm. ... Performed in The Western Studio, The Edge at 5.00pm - 6.30pm.