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Travel advice


Open menu. Open search. Travel advice. How to get to the city of Bath and the University campus. ... The best ways to get to our campus from the city centre are by bus, cycling, or walking.

Physics Applicant Visit Days


What our students think. The best people to tell you about Physics at Bath are our students. ... Find the best travel option for you.

How to decide if an electric vehicle is the most…


Information to help you understand how an electric vehicle (EV) can be sustainable and if it is the best travel option for you. ... Many people are looking for more sustainable ways to travel. It can be tricky to understand whether an EV is the most

Chemistry Applicant Visit Days


What our students think. The best people to tell you about Chemistry at Bath are our students. ... Find the best travel option for you.

Natural Sciences Applicant Visit Days


What our students think. The best people to tell you about Natural Sciences at Bath are our students. ... Find the best travel option for you.

Computer Science Applicant Visit Days


What our students think. The best people to tell you about Computer Science at Bath are our students. ... Find the best travel option for you.

Mathematical Sciences Applicant Visit Days


What our students think. The best people to tell you about Maths at Bath are our students. ... Find the best travel option for you.

Pharmacology Applicant Visit Days


What our students think. The best people to tell you about Pharmacology at Bath are our students. ... Find the best travel option for you.

Pharmacy interviews and Applicant Visit Days


What our students think. The best people to tell you about Pharmacy at Bath are our students. ... Find the best travel option for you.

Biosciences Applicant Visit Days


Travelling to campus. The best ways to get to our campus from the city centre are by bus, cycling or walking. ... Find the best travel option for you.