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Uploading video for use on the website

If you need the login details for Vimeo and YouTube, contact the Digital team at to request them. ... If you only want a select group of people to see your video when it's embedded on our site, please contact the Digital team at web

Getting IT support and advice

How to report an IT emergency. Contact the Security team in the foyer of the Library. ... The Security team will contact a member of the on-call Digital, Data and Technology Team.

Support to prepare you for exams

They are open for in-person support on the Subject floors, whilst their Reader Services team are available on Level 2: Mon-Fri, 9am to 5pm. ... Contact us. If you have any questions about exam support, please contact the Digital & Academic Skills Team.

Thumbnail for Support to prepare you for exams

How the Digital Content team can help you…

How the Digital Content team can help you. We develop content for the University website and student recruitment marketing. ... Contact the Digital Content team.

Preparing for exams

Prepare effectively for exams so you can perform your best on the day. ... Good luck with your exams! Enquiries. If you have any questions about exam preparation, please contact the Digital & Academic Skills team in the Skills Centre.

Thumbnail for Preparing for exams

How the Student Marketing team can support you…

Please contact the team about email communications plans for prospective students; how to input the data you collect into CRM; and for any training requirements or questions about the system. ... Contact the Student Marketing team.

How the Digital Development team can help you…

How the Digital Development team can help you. We provide support and develop software for the University's digital channels, including Typecase for Content and Typecase for Courses. ... Contact the Digital Development team.

Creating a Service start page in Typecase…

You must know what labels the Topic uses. If you don't know, ask your Faculty Web Editor or contact the Digital team at ... Contact us. If you have any questions about creating content or using Typecase, get in touch.

Using the Contact details component in Typecase…

Use the Contact details component to tell readers how to contact a staff member or team if they have questions about the information on a web page. ... Write a simple heading in the 'Title' field. You can use something like 'Contact us' or 'Contact the

Thumbnail for Using the Contact details component in Typecase

Creating a Location page in Typecase

Campus - the entire campus (to be used by the Digital team only). ... You must know what labels the Topic uses. If you don't know, ask your Faculty Web Editor or contact the Digital team at