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Uploading video for use on the website

Digital content and development.. ... This can be a frame taken from the video or a still image that's relevant to the content.

Making accessible video and audio content…

Digital content and development.. ... The standards state that:. all new video content created must be fully accessible.

Creating and writing blog posts

Digital content and development.. ... A good blog post can provide interesting behind-the-scenes information to complement content on the main University site.

Setting up and maintaining a blog

Digital content and development.. ... Select 'Appearance' followed by 'customise - blog header options'. Select your image (under background image).

How the Digital Development team can help you…

Digital content and development.. ... How the Digital Development team can help you. We provide support and develop software for the University's digital channels, including Typecase for Content and Typecase for Courses.

Choosing the correct platform for your content…

Digital Content Managers from the faculties and School. Admissions staff members. ... the Digital Content team. If you think you need access to Typecase for Courses, email

Creating headings in Typecase

Heading styles help people understand how the content fits together on the page. ... This confuses users and makes our content inaccessible to people using assistive technology.