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Preparing for exams

Make use of the Skills Centre's exam support: We offer skills enrichment sessions, 1:1 appointments and drop-ins to help you prepare for exams. ... Good luck with your exams! Enquiries. If you have any questions about exam preparation, please contact the

Thumbnail for Preparing for exams

Learning to code

Institute of Coding. Courses and skills bootcamps designed to help you gain new skills and prepare for a career. ... Their mission is to close the gender gap in tech by providing free training for women and non-binary students to develop their coding

Discussion Skills

Enrol for this course on MySkills Enrolment for the Discussion Skills course will open soon. ... Contact us. If you have any questions about the Discussions Skills course, please email us.

Thumbnail for Discussion Skills

Supporting your students with academic skills…

Menu. Supporting your students with academic skills. A guide for tutors on the support the Digital and Academic Skills (DAS) Team can provide for your students. ... Academic skills support for your students. Embedded academic skills. The Skills Centre's

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Navigating the University campus

We're proud of our self-contained campus, but navigating it can, sometimes, be tricky. Our guide will help you understand how our campus is laid out.

Tools, help and advice to support technology enhanced……

Mahara is an e-portfolio system. Staff and students can collect documents, images, blogs and other digital content to demonstrate and share their learning, skills and development. ... Xerte is an authoring software. Staff can create digital resources for