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Support to prepare you for exams

Library Lists include guidance on exam and revision skills, coursework planning, wellbeing and managing exam stress. ... Contact us. If you have any questions about exam support, please contact the Digital & Academic Skills Team.

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We continue to improve our courses and your teaching and learning experience, so you gain skills and understanding which are valuable to you and sought after by employers.

Thumbnail for Shakespeare

Late exam submission

No. Not a technical reason. Time-management/lack of digital skills. No. Not a technical reason.

Supporting student engagement

Assessment & Feedback. Blended Learning. Accessibility of Learning/Assessment. Student Skills. Digital skills. ... Decolonising the curriculum. Research culture. Climate emergency. It is also an opportunity for students to develop professional skills

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Key Contacts and Support

Academic Skills. The Skills Centre provides year round study skills classes, including 1:1 tutorials. ... All students supported by our team have access to a Study Skills Tutor, including writing and exam skills, presentations, groupwork, time management

19th century English literature

We continue to improve our courses and your teaching and learning experience, so you gain skills and understanding which are valuable to you and sought after by employers.

Thumbnail for 19th century English literature

Introduction to English Linguistics

We continue to improve our courses and your teaching and learning experience, so you gain skills and understanding which are valuable to you and sought after by employers.

Thumbnail for Introduction to English Linguistics

Contemporary Film and Literature of the British Isles…

We continue to improve our courses and your teaching and learning experience, so you gain skills and understanding which are valuable to you and sought after by employers.

Thumbnail for Contemporary Film and Literature of the British Isles