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Support to prepare you for exams

They are open for in-person support on the Subject floors, whilst their Reader Services team are available on Level 2: Mon-Fri, 9am to 5pm. ... Contact us. If you have any questions about exam support, please contact the Digital & Academic Skills Team.

Thumbnail for Support to prepare you for exams

Digital principles

From Digital Content. Digital principles. These principles describe how Digital works as a team and with other colleagues from across the University.

How the Digital Development team can help you…

How the Digital Development team can help you. We provide support and develop software for the University's digital channels, including Typecase for Content and Typecase for Courses. ... Contact the Digital Development team.

How the Digital Content team can help you…

How the Digital Content team can help you. We develop content for the University website and student recruitment marketing. ... Contact the Digital Content team.

Request a URL

Submit this form to for approval by the Head of Digital. ... 98.00 KB. Digital Development Team.

English Language

The General English course will help you to develop the language skills you need to succeed in your studies and in your future career.

Thumbnail for English Language

Online academic skills resources

Find self-access online resources on MySkills to help you develop your academic skills in your own time.

Thumbnail for Online academic skills resources

Designated Maintainer authorisation form…

The form should be returned to the Digital Data and Technology Security & Identity Management Team, by scanning and emailing to ... 38.94 KB. Digital Data and Technology Security & Identity Management Team.

Printing a poster

Events and Ceremonies Team. ... If you need a poster designed, speak to our design team who will be happy to help.