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Uploading video for use on the website

If you need the login details for Vimeo and YouTube, contact the Digital team at to request them. ... If you only want a select group of people to see your video when it's embedded on our site, please contact the Digital team at web

Creating a Service start page in Typecase…

link to an online service, tool, or transaction outside (Agresso, iTrent, Moodle, car parking permit application, and so on). ... You must know what labels the Topic uses. If you don't know, ask your Faculty Web Editor or contact the Digital

Creating a Location page in Typecase

Campus - the entire campus (to be used by the Digital team only). ... You must know what labels the Topic uses. If you don't know, ask your Faculty Web Editor or contact the Digital team at

Creating an Announcement page in Typecase…

be a question ('Can Team Bath repeat netball success?'). contain commas or dashes as this will create confusing URLs - use a colon instead if you need to separate phrases ('Planned industrial ... You must know what labels the Topic uses. If you don't know

Creating a Publication page in Typecase…

You must know what labels the Topic uses. If you don't know, ask your Faculty Web Editor or contact the Digital team at ... Contact your lead publisher or if you need to change the name of an attachment or

Creating a Person profile page in Typecase…

You must know what labels the Topic uses. If you don't know, ask your Faculty Web Editor or contact the Digital team at ... Email to find out more. The image must be 1:1 aspect ratio.

Creating a Team profile page in Typecase…

You must know what labels the Topic uses. If you don't know, ask your Faculty Web Editor or contact the Digital team at ... Subset 2 - Content. Subset 3 - Digital Support.

Curating the University section landing pages content…

Find out who uses your landing page. The University landing pages help our users navigate their way through ... Contact the Digital team at if you need help in creating editorial calendar.