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Taking a career break

Possible reasons for staff seeking a career break are as follows, but this is not an exhaustive list and each request will be considered on its merits:.

Bath Beacons initiative is launched…

agreed to issue a bullet list of key points from each meeting, just like this list!).

IP address and hostname policy…

DD&T will maintain a list of delegated IP ranges and hostname prefixes. ... A link between each range and its recognised IT supporters will be made.

Our local community – spotlight on Frank…

He visits his friends in Fresh to pick up his shopping each day where he knows everyone’s name. ... It keeps me going. What are the most important items on your shopping list?

Education Awards Winners 2020

A full list of Academic Representation, Staff and Peer Support Award winners can be found here. ... A full list of the University Teaching Award's winning, commended and shortlisted nominees can be found on the CLT blog.

Standing orders of Senate

6.4 At each ordinary meeting, Senate will consider a draft list of business for the next meeting. ... Excess votes are transferred to each voter’s next choice as indicated on the ballot paper.

Successes celebrated at Faculty of Humanities &……

View a full list of winners and nominees. ... The placements team manage over 900 placements for HSS students each year and the Placement Awards continues to grow, so we encourage you all to get involved in 2024.

Planned interruptions to electricity supply from November ……

To minimise disruption, generators will be used while each sub-station is switched over. ... Each sub-station serves several areas of campus. Please see the full list of details and interruption times below:.

Virtual Exchanges connect Bath students with students……

Participants met virtually each week for six weeks, with sessions taking place flexibly on a range of platforms, for example Zoom, MS Teams, WhatsApp and WeChat. ... Teachers offered a list of topics to use as a starting point for discussions each session