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Included in your accommodation…

You will find trolleys for dirty linen and a supply of clean linen, for each accommodation, in:. ... toilet brush. Included in your kitchen. Find out what's included in a shared kitchen.

Explore the University at a postgraduate event…

Postgraduate Virtual Open Day. Find out what it's like to study for a master's at Bath at one of our online Postgraduate Open Days. ... Find out what it is like to study at Bath wherever you are.

Replacing the ‘Departments’ landing page…

The original departmental landing page did not contain a list of all the University departments and services. ... These pages all use similar navigational elements, which make it easier to find things.

Access information in your preferred way with……

Who can benefit from access? SensusAccess could be beneficial for all staff and students as a productivity and accessibility tool. ... Help and Support. Please find a list of SensusAccess Resources:. If you have any questions around inclusive technology,

EDI Officer appointed as Athena Swan Reviewer…

EDI Officer appointed as Athena Swan Reviewer. Aiste Senulyte Zubiniene selected for a prestigious Athena Swan Reviewer role. ... application. You can find a list of all changes to Athena Swan summarized on the.

Online Degrees

There is a centralised approach to communicating quickly and efficiently with the many university stakeholders needed for the Online partnership. ... Find out more. You'll find below a list of our online MSc courses and degrees including individual links

Winners of the Doctoral Awards 2020-21…

Winners of the Doctoral Awards 2020-21. Find out who was successful in the Doctoral Awards, announced at the Doctoral Celebration Evening on Thursday 10 June 2021. ... You will find a list of the winners of the various award schemes below, and you can

Get ready for a summer of cycling and walking…

This can be a great way to discover the best routes, build confidence, and find someone to ride socially with. ... Via the staff and student Bicycle Users Group you can find a list of cycling buddies for you to contact.

The University of Bath is investing in Research……

Orsolya Székely, a PhD student in the Psychology Department using the new Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. ... To find out more about these new capabilities, or access to it, a full list of instrumentation being purchased with this funding, the