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Join the IPR mailing list

Join the IPR mailing list. Keep up-to-date with our latest research, publications, news and events by signing up to the Institute for Policy Research mailing list. ... Service start. Amy Thompson 01225385413. Please fill in the form

Bath’s new supercomputer named Nimbus…

Thank you to everyone that took part in our naming competition - and a huge congratulations to our winners. ... Join Research Computing's mailing list to keep up-to-date with Bath's move to cloud supercomputing, compute and data storage costs, training

Water Innovation and Research Centre (WIRC) newsletter……

Water Innovation and Research Centre (WIRC) newsletter sign up form. Subscribe to the Water Innovation and Research Centre (WIRC@Bath) mailing list to keep updated with news and events from the ... The information you submit will be used to send you

Wellbeing for working from home

Even in a small or shared space, try to designate an area for work. ... Write a daily to-do list. Set out a list of realistic, achievable tasks to keep you focused.

Want to spend less at the supermarket? Put your phone……

Using a mobile distracts people from their planned shopping list. When shoppers use their mobiles to keep up with texts, social media or calls they move around the store at a ... The researchers say using a mobile distracts people from their planned