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HSRPP 2022 digital posters…

Menu. HSRPP 2022 digital posters. Thirty-nine digital posters about recent research will be presented at the HSRPP 2022 conference and can be accessed from this page. ... Abstracts for all our digital posters are available in this supplement of the

URLs on the University website

URL principles. We design our URLs to be user-friendly and to follow a consistent, predictable format. ... Our URLs should always:. use only lowercase letters. use hyphens in place of spaces.

Our values and how we work…

We have identified three areas of research strength and focus: Sustainability; Health & Wellbeing; and Digital, all at the heart of the greatest global challenges and opportunities of our time. ... Our research has led to yet greater reductions in carbon

Thumbnail for Our values and how we work

Process automation at Bath

As a member of the community, you'll have access to our digital training library, with resources for getting started and learning more about automation. ... Subscribe to our blog for updates, case studies, and general posts about automation.

Internationalisation Strategy 2019 to 2021…

We will focus on establishing collaborative international research and teaching ventures alongside our international partners, using existing physical spaces and developing blended digital collaboration. ... We will also aim to develop non-geographic

Financial Review 2022/23…

Council recognises that surpluses will have to flex as we deliver our strategy. ... After this we expect to establish a new surplus target which will reflect the capital and revenue investment planned in our research, teaching, digital and carbon

Centre for Smart Warehousing and Logistics Systems……

E-commerce logistics. We investigate how the digital economy has created new challenges for logistics operations, along with systems that satisfy these requirements. ... Our approach. The overarching research question associated with the Centre considers

Build your network with 23 Things International…

Our partners. Our partners are leading universities and networks:. The Africa Research Excellence Fund (UK & pan-Africa). ... At the end of the programme you can claim a certificate and digital badge.