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Typecase for Content manual

Submit a request for you or your colleagues to have training on our content publisher. ... Use our publishing platform to create and update pages on the University website.

Our values and how we work…

We have identified three areas of research strength and focus: Sustainability; Health & Wellbeing; and Digital, all at the heart of the greatest global challenges and opportunities of our time. ... Our research has led to yet greater reductions in carbon

Thumbnail for Our values and how we work

Digital Lives group members

Digital Lives group members. View the membership of the Digital Lives research group. ... The Digital Lives group brings together findings from our researchers in theGroup lead.

Managing hybrid teams

You will be led through a dynamic learning experience that addresses the key components an open leadership model in a digital, multi-locational world. ... With a key focus on building trust from afar, this course also familiarises you with tools and

Internationalisation Strategy 2019 to 2021…

We will focus on establishing collaborative international research and teaching ventures alongside our international partners, using existing physical spaces and developing blended digital collaboration. ... We will also aim to develop non-geographic

Centre for Digital, Manufacturing & Design team…

Our research covers:. advanced manufacturing techniques: creating new manufacturing processes and technologies that are more sustainable, efficient, flexible, and cost-effective. ... digital twin technology: improving design and production, and enhancing

Language in and for Education (LifE) Research Group…

Study with us. Our research informs the content of multiple courses at Bath. ... Contact us. If you have any questions about our research, please contact us.