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Uploading video for use on the website

You should use between five and ten tags. If you ask the Digital or AV teams to upload your videos, please send your tags in a comma-separated list to make ... If you only want a select group of people to see your video when it's embedded on our site,

Creating headings in Typecase

Creating headings in Typecase. How to use headings to structure your content on University web pages. ... Use the correct heading hierarchy. When you add headings to your content, you must use heading styles in the correct hierarchy.

Commissioning a piece of design

the purpose of the product, what problem it needs to solve, and your objectives. ... the number of units of the product you need. your budget for the job.

Visitor access to the University Library…

This email will indicate the Banding associated with your membership of scheme (as detailed below). ... To make a new Library card, we will ask for:. a digital image file showing your face in a "selfie" or passport style format for use on the card.

Careers information for Bath graduates

If you've not yet graduated (or recently graduated and still have your Digital, Data & Technology (DD&T) account), continue to log in as a current student using your normal ... what's involved in your job. what it's like working for your employer.

Data security on and off-campus

Always ensure that you log off from your computer when away from it. ... Contact Digital, Data and Technology (DDAT) for advice and assistance on keeping your data secure.

Creating and writing blog posts

Posting regularly. Try to post to your blog at least once a month. ... Adding images. You can upload images directly to your blog through the dashboard.

Pre-sessional courses at the University of Bath…

Develop the English language and academic skills you need for your degree course at Bath. ... The course assessments will evaluate your progress and proficiency across these learning objectives.

Thumbnail for Pre-sessional courses at the University of Bath

Guidance and advice on EU Settlement Scheme…

If your application is successful, you’ll get either settled or pre-settled status. ... How to apply. The Settlement Scheme is delivered through a digital application process.

Setting up and maintaining a blog Select 'Appearance' followed by 'customise - blog header options'. Select your image (under background image). ... Once your blog is archived, you won't be able to access it.