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Uploading video for use on the website


You should use between five and ten tags. If you ask the Digital or AV teams to upload your videos, please send your tags in a comma-separated list to make ... If you only want a select group of people to see your video when it's embedded on our site,

Setting up VPN on your device


There are many reasons to use VPN, including:. connecting to your work PC via Remote Desktop. ... If your device does not support automatic setup, the page also includes manual setup instructions.

Digital Champions Network coming soon


Digital Champions Network coming soon. Next month we are launching a Digital Champions Network and you can register your interest to become a Digital Champion. ... We are currently inviting you to express your interest and represent your department to

Reset your University password


Menu. Reset your University password. Request for your University password to be reset. ... You will need your name, date of birth, postcode, and contact information along with details of your:.

Request personal information


To ensure that your request is processed quickly, please:. download our subject access request form. ... If you have all your information in digital format, email it to dataprotection@.bath.ac.uk.



Tomorrow’s digital screens will be soft and elastic, so you'll ‘feel’ items through your phone. ... Share Your Voice: Participate in Our Work Placement Research Survey or Focus Group.



Tomorrow’s digital screens will be soft and elastic, so you'll ‘feel’ items through your phone. ... Published on 17 May 2024. Giving up your car for three weeks might feel like a sacrifice, but a group of people who did just that found it improved

About IT


Menu. About IT. Learn about how The Digital, Data and Technology Group (DDaT) can support your studies at the University of Bath. ... Connect your computer or games console to the internet via a network cable.

Course & Unit Catalogues 2024/25 - University of Bath …


Engage with academic social theory and critical thinking. Synopsis:. Develop your understanding of the societal effects of digital marketing. ... Content:. This unit aims to address the societal implications of digital marketing practices.

Course & Unit Catalogues 2023/24 - University of…


Self-assess your own work and formulate a personal development plan. Begin to exercise initiative and personal responsibility. ... Skills:. Key transferable skills. Digital skills - record keeping, e-portfolio. Content:.