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Bath Global Chairs

2023 - 2024 Global Chairs. Contributing to Bath's research on global health diseases, biomimetic nanostructures, global and Northeast Asian regional security affairs and the interaction between international security, technology and policy.

Resilient Materials for Life (RM4L)

The 2022 vision of RM4L to "transform construction by creating biomimetic cementitious materials that adapt to their environment, develop immunity, self-diagnose damage, and self-heal when required" will engender a

49th annual Designability lecture…

biomimetic principle of lower limb joints and segments as well as their mimicking the effect of neuro muscular connectivity.

Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Final 2020…

She presented her research into new safety shoes; she's investigating the use of flexible biomimetic materials, which mimic nature.

Keeping up with the first law of robotics: A new photonic ……

It’s a biomimetic structure (i.e. one that simulates biological phenomena) that chemically assembles into semiconducting helices, at the nanoscale, similarly to the way proteins assemble.”.