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The support RIS offers to academics in Knowledge Exchange activities includes collaborative research with external organisations, consultancy, technology commercialisation, Intellectual Property and local regeneration projects.

IMI plays leading role in new UK virtual forum for……

The Virtual Forum for Knowledge Exchange in the Mathematical Sciences (V-KEMS) was established by the IMI, the Isaac Newton Institute (INI), the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS), the Knowledge ... The first virtual study group took

WISE CDT Industry Day 2019-20

generating considerable dialogue and exchange of ideas.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation: a collaboration with……

The event was an opportunity to share ideas. In November, the Centre for Research on Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CREI) held a successful two-day workshop to promote knowledge exchange and the

Launch of Dutch Academic Network in the UK…

Inspired by the successful Spanish academic network, the main aim is to function as a platform to exchange information and to promote interaction between Dutch professionals in the British academic world.

Professor Yvonne Jewkes wins ESRC Celebrating Impact……

The competition, now in its eighth year, recognises and rewards ESRC-funded researchers who have achieved impact through outstanding research, knowledge exchange activities, collaborative partnerships and engagement with different communities.

Changes to Pathways to Impact

partnerships and co-creation of research are important mechanisms to enable knowledge exchange and should be demonstrated.

University changes Shares and Equity policy for……

A key metric of the new Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) is the revenue generated from the commercialisation of University Intellectual Property (IP).