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University of Bath mailing lists tool…

Service start. Check the 'List of lists' tab first to check if one exists already. ... You can also use the central staff and student mailing lists and there is a.

Discover Bath

Courses on offer. Here is a list of the subjects on offer, whether applications are open and dates for 2024. ... You can fill in our form which will then send you a personalised list of activities, events and resources that might be helpful for you.

Included in your accommodation…

The variety of benefits included in the price of all our accommodation, from practical services to well-being support and everything in-between.

Booking guest accommodation…

We offer accommodation on the University campus or in Bath city centre. Bookings for stays in July and August are now available.


Use MyFuture to access Careers appointments, events, opportunities and resources.

Church Directory

Here are a few of the churches in Bath to get your search started. Each one has students in the congregation and you can click to view a video or see more.

Minerva Series of Lectures

To be informed of future lectures you can join our Public Lectures Mailing list. ... Join our mailing list. Get the latest information about upcoming lectures in the Minerva Series and plans for the Series by signing up for email updates.

Join the IPR mailing list

Join the IPR mailing list. Keep up-to-date with our latest research, publications, news and events by signing up to the Institute for Policy Research mailing list.