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Support and Report

This list of inappropriate behaviour is not definitive; there is often overlap.

Bath Go

The app for Eat and Drink credit, plus loyalty points and promotions in our food and drink outlets on campus.

Moving into University accommodation…

Find out all you need to know about arriving to your new home, here at University of Bath

Your impact

See a complete list of donors who have supported the University of Bath in the past financial year.

Employee Discounts

Our list of employee discounts gives details of a range of local, high street, national and online discounts available to you.

Digital content and development

How to add headings, links, lists, tables, and other formatting to your content on the University website.

Great feedback

The session will be delivered in-person. Please note, we do not hold a waiting list for this course.

Loss and Grief Network

Internal support groups and resources. Here is a list of all the internal support available to you as a member of staff. ... External support groups and resources. Here is a list of the support and resources available outside the University.