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Support and Report

This list of inappropriate behaviour is not definitive; there is often overlap.

Coaching skills for managers

The session will be delivered in-person. Please note that we do not hold a waiting list for this course.

Living in Bath as a student

Because of its cultural contributions, TIME magazine listed Bath as one of the World's Greatest Places 2021, making it one of only three UK cities to make the list.

External scholarships

Open menu. Open search. External scholarships. We have put together a list of organisations that offer undergraduate scholarships to help fund your study.

The Edge Building event space

The East Building offers specialised spaces to hire, suitable for all types of event or conference.

Student Accommodation virtual tours…

View all of the available accommodation when studying at the University of Bath

Church Search - page 2

Here are a few of the churches in Bath to get your search started. Each one has students in the congregation and you can click to view a video or see more.