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The #thinklist: a list of social media’s influential faculty thinkers on issues of responsible business. ... We will also be spotlighting the work of scholars from the list over the coming months.

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Beating Adolescent Self-Harm (BASH)

identification and challenging of negative thoughts. a contact list of key people to call or text.

#thinklist30 methodology

The Autumn 2020 #thinklist30 ‘Women’s List’ has been selected by the CBOS Leadership Team. ... Each list is just a snapshot of the curators’ views during that quarter.

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Standing Seminar of Critical Theory

G. Schwartz (Management, Bristol). To find out more about this project or join the mailing list, please email Research Support.

Postgraduate study in probability…

If you are interested in doing a PhD, the best thing to do is to look through the list of permanent members of Prob-L@B, find someone whose interests roughly ... We keep a list of former PhD students on our archive.

#ThinklistAmplify Methodology

Our group of curators drew up the final list based on public nominations. ... Each list is just a snapshot of the curators’ views during that quarter.

Thumbnail for #ThinklistAmplify Methodology

Young Researchers

A resource list for running a Young Researchers' Programme.

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